Mac... tried to lick me161 views
Mac Rock On137 viewsAnd me and nathan are back there doing the same
Michael, Nathan, and Jayce gaming235 viewsAnnnd I'm talking to Brittany at the same time
Hmmmm162 viewsMyriad of differing emotions this time around
Yay cell phone!151 viewsAs usual, my mom had me going thinking I'd never get one...
Lifting Braden166 viewsAnd then I snapped in half
Adrian weights146 viewsAdrian is about to attempt lifting my weights; oh and Jayce puts his feet all over him
Gamers2102 viewsA video of Nathan playing Jedi Academy, Jayce hacking at CSSource, and James playing N
Gamers 2166 viewsI'd comment on what all we're playing, but it wouldnt be worth it since all anyone will remember are my huge lips at the end. Gargh.
Michael dancing141 viewsRandomly dancing to the "its a bird" song, Stevie was sleeping and singing along at the same time
This is no time for cameras!129 viewsJames counts us down as we all do something random
Nathan playing CS Source293 views
Nathan loves cookies506 views
Nathan buys a shotgun178 viewsNathan decides to noob cannon it up in CS Source
Braden hairgeled192 viewsAlly and Rebekah had this utterly amazing idea to gel Braden's hair and make it into a mohawk... it never worked
Marsh and Daniel2506 viewsUnless you were there and you remember the joke, you wont remember what Marsh said right as the camera cut off... it was "I want youu"
Munoz swimming377 viewsThe famed Munoz Syncronized Swimming video from Rebekah's party.
Rebekah hot tub243 viewsRebekah smiles for the camera at her party
Icing face #2155 views
Peace for now165 viewsArms-ripped-off for later