Coppermine 2005
Title • File Name • Date • Position |
Cheap kids266 viewsA horribly out of focus, but worthwhile picture of Nathan and I late at night at the mall before heading to Stevie's
Michael and Nathan half off166 viewsRandom snap we took at the gas station before heading to the beach
Snow!112 viewsI took a picture of me and some snow outside of a post office because a lot of my Florida friends hadn't seen it
Michael and Stevie crazy104 viewsStevie and I taking photos while at Crashorama
Driving Home113 viewsMr. Schenk driving me home; Stevie hiding from my camera
Van mirror89 viewsMe taking photos at McDonalds after school
Michael chillaxin96 viewsA wayy old picture of me hanging out, the night before the beach
Coke121 viewsA photo of me with the Caffine-Free Coke my dad bought to try to get me to go to bed earlier (it didn't work)
Michael couch119 viewsMichael on the couch the night before VBS
Cocky Crashorama135 viewsMe and partially my mom at Crashorama
Playing with cell phones104 views
Winterpark skyline167 viewsMe, James, and Daniel surveying the sights
Michael headphones96 viewsMichael listing to music in the van
FPS Michael159 views
Michael gazebo280 viewsMichael in the gazebo, I'm the only one who hasnt taken three, but its still fun to watch the progression
Giddy up204 viewsMe in the art room at FBC Orlando during VBS wearing Jayce's hat with my MP3 player hidden in the brim
Michael with the evil jacket183 viewsQuite in contrast to Brittany's no jacket rule
Michael hydrant jump298 viewsMichael jumping off a hydrant after the Winter Park Parade
Michael in a tree98 viewsMichael hanging in a tree at the Oviedo Mall the night before the beach party
Tree Friends107 viewsJayce, Michelle, and I in the tree at Noah and Luke's birthday party
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