Last additions - Coppermine 2007 |

Niko singing147 viewsNiko was all hyped up during lunch at SLU, she was driving Katie insaneJun 20, 2007

Hollister90 viewsI took this while waiting to get off of the SLU busJun 20, 2007

Evan inticed217 viewsWe were waiting to get on the coasters at Sea World when I saw Evan staring very intently at his bottleJun 20, 2007

Dudley Falls4129 viewsMe, Brittany, David, Nikki, and Lindsey on the Dudley Dooright falls ride and SLUJun 20, 2007

David's clear261 viewsDavid showing off his clearence at SLUJun 20, 2007

Taking notes98 viewsEverybody trying to stay awake during our last hours of class by taking notesJun 20, 2007

Food pleasee137 viewsDavid and Nikki walking to the pavilion for our first (real) meal of the dayJun 20, 2007

Braden and Ben shoulder slam304 viewsJun 01, 2007

The emo tree283 viewsBraden said that it would be a good shot so he hoisted me all the way upMay 31, 2007

I'm angry78 viewsDie fishes!May 31, 2007

Michael skimboarding78 viewsMay 31, 2007

Michael wall kick85 viewsSlamming my foot into the wall, Braden took this great shotMay 31, 2007

Whatever135 viewsI took this simply to tell if my cheecks had swelled up the next day (they didnt!)May 31, 2007

A tangle of bodies123 viewsWe weren't all that sure as to what we were supposed to be doing in this oneMay 31, 2007

Jump in!95 viewsMe, Ben, and David all jump into the pool at the beach, a really cool videoMay 31, 2007

Jacuzzi213 viewsBen, David, and me in the jacuzzi- above water for onceMay 31, 2007

Demo crew223 viewsBraden, me, David, and Ben- the demolition crewMay 31, 2007

Falling off 2217 viewsNoboby can say I dont trust him!May 31, 2007

Falling off106 viewsMe falling off of David's big dirt pileMay 31, 2007

Jayce doorstep103 viewsHe's always thereMay 31, 2007
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