Last additions - Happy 16th birthday! |

Stevie salutes249 viewsNov 26, 2006

Van madness 3299 viewsStevie's about to bite off my fingerNov 26, 2006

Van madness 2153 viewsAdrian looks condescendingly at my camera :(Nov 26, 2006

Strawberry Hershey's212 viewsof courseNov 26, 2006

Van madness423 viewsEverybody hopped in and we drove off, but not before taking a few picturesNov 26, 2006

Stevie playing CS Source193 viewsNov 26, 2006

Nathan buys a shotgun178 viewsNathan decides to noob cannon it up in CS SourceNov 26, 2006

Nathan loves cookies506 viewsNov 26, 2006

Gamers2105 viewsA video of Nathan playing Jedi Academy, Jayce hacking at CSSource, and James playing NNov 26, 2006

Nathan playing CS Source293 viewsNov 26, 2006

This is no time for cameras!129 viewsJames counts us down as we all do something randomNov 26, 2006

Gamers 2166 viewsI'd comment on what all we're playing, but it wouldnt be worth it since all anyone will remember are my huge lips at the end. Gargh.Nov 26, 2006

Adrian weights146 viewsAdrian is about to attempt lifting my weights; oh and Jayce puts his feet all over himNov 26, 2006

Michael dancing141 viewsRandomly dancing to the "its a bird" song, Stevie was sleeping and singing along at the same timeNov 26, 2006

Hmmmm162 viewsMyriad of differing emotions this time aroundNov 26, 2006

Yay cell phone!151 viewsAs usual, my mom had me going thinking I'd never get one...Nov 26, 2006

Mac... tried to lick me161 viewsNov 26, 2006

Mac Rock On137 viewsAnd me and nathan are back there doing the sameNov 26, 2006

Michael, Nathan, and Jayce gaming235 viewsAnnnd I'm talking to Brittany at the same timeNov 26, 2006

MORE N1250 viewsBasically, we were fascinated with this addicting game for an hour or soNov 26, 2006