Last additions - Coppermine 2005 |

A broken pyramid1280 viewsWe tried to make a pyramid out of everybody but it fell apart, to end, we have Brittany H and Brittany P showing off their pretty smilesNov 26, 2006

The birdssss746 viewsA random sea gull attack leaves 3 dead, 2 injured, the last survivors try to fend off the fiends...Nov 26, 2006

Back in black399 viewsI ran back up to the beach after busting out of the pyramid, Brittany surveys our friends with a happy toneNov 26, 2006

Michael the mermaid253 viewsMy friends decided, that once I was under inches of sand, that they could even put breasts on me. They turned me into a mermaid, and the tail was well done, i must admit...Nov 26, 2006

Video games at the mall6427 viewsWe went to the mall for a late movie and ended up playing a few games before getting in; randomly saw Mr. Surkamer there tooNov 26, 2006

In the ocean334 viewsA random scan of the coastline and my friends in the waterNov 26, 2006

Dunk'n' Donuts286 viewsAt some unholy hour we pulled up to Dunkn Donuts to buy our breakfast before heading out to the beach for the dayNov 26, 2006

The continued chronicles...338 viewsThe second part of burying Nathan, he ended up being turned into a fat popeNov 26, 2006

Burying Nathan146 viewsAfter, first, burying and turning me into a mermaid, it was Nathan's turn to be covered in sand, we started out with the mission of turning him into a fat ladyNov 26, 2006

Basement Dwellers190 viewsJames, Nathan, and Mac playing on the Alienware computers at The Gaming BasementNov 26, 2006

Basement Dwellers 2288 viewsJames and Craig playing on the Alienware computers at The Gaming BasementNov 26, 2006

AJ at the Alter180 viewsA shot from ground level of AJ and his bride at the altarNov 26, 2006

Beer and Wine!179 viewsAdrian tells of our "parading through the parade", while Daniel says something like "I'm too hot."Nov 26, 2006

Starwars with wrapping paper99 viewsWe decided to act out a Starwars theme, btw, looks like some little girl was extra flirty with me O:-)Nov 26, 2006

Getting the Godly sausages105 viewsGetting the Godly sausages from the farmer's market before the Winter Park ParadeNov 26, 2006

Winter Park elevator92 viewsTook this to go up to the balcony and watch the parade upstairs, I dont know why, but I was humming the Mechwarrior themeNov 26, 2006

Daniel steps up to drum243 viewsDaniel decides he has mad drumming skills and shows them offNov 26, 2006

Pressured into the act235 viewsBasically, everybody, one at a time, was put on the spot to drum... and none of us canNov 26, 2006

Winter Park Side Streets 2104 viewsNov 26, 2006

Winter Park Side Streets108 viewsBad idea...Nov 26, 2006
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