Most viewed - Coppermine 2007 |

I'm thinking of you77 views

Lancaster caboose77 viewsMe hanging off of one of the train cars that were converted into a museum

Jon ball slam77 viewsJon slamming his fist into the "volleyball" to guide it over the net at Brittany P's 19th birthday

Kenny coffee77 viewsKenny hyped up on McDonald's new hazelnut coffee

Michael by the stones76 viewsLooking nonchalantly out of frame, trying to "stay out of trouble"

Michelle smile76 viewsMichelle posing in front of the rock wall, having just found out that Jayce could have died any second

Michelle on the rocks76 viewsOne of my favorite pictures of her, we found this random crevice at Jurrasic IOA and stuck her in it

Dave model76 viewsDave posing for the camera after his ride on the tube

Brett and Kyle tube76 views

Brittany reporter76 viewsBrittany ready to jot down her report

Brittany's cake75 viewsBrittany with her birthday cake at Brittany P's 19th birthday

Collision75 viewsMe and Kyle collidiing with Jeff and Dave after a sharp turn

Brittany H slow synced75 viewsBrittany in a slowsync shot from Halloween Horror Nights

Dad shooting74 viewsMy dad shooting off a rifle at the gun range

Stevie's birthday cake73 views

Michael Jump!73 viewsJayce took this one of me replicating the jump picture

Hanging out73 viewsMe holding myself up in a narrow hallway, waiting to get on Spiderman the ride

Michael on the ledge 272 views

Michelle about to be eaten72 viewsTook this random shot just as my sister almost got eaten by the Stego

Geran sleeping72 viewsGeran fell asleep by himself with his hand over his head, so I did him the favor of having to actually block something
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