Most viewed - Coppermine 2007 |

Stevie and Michelle pirates62 views

Stevie, Michelle, and Sleeping Beauty62 views

Michael keeping us together62 viewsTrying in vain to keep the two tubes together as we speed around the lake

[Panorama] Road to college61 viewsThis is the road and the surrounding grassy land that leads to the farm college

Pirate Michelle61 views

Michelle and pirates61 viewsMichelle with Hook and (MRS) Smee at Disney for her birthday

Mom and Dad on Dumbo61 views

Stevie has many wives61 viewsThe lipstick left over from Ariel's kiss

Mom and Dad arches61 viewsMy parents under the entance arches to Flagler's lunchroom

Michelle chocked60 viewsThe pirate and his accomplice tried to steal Michelle's amulet right from her neck

Pirate Stevie60 views

KC jump60 viewsKC jumping on top of Me and Kyle as Dave holds on for dear life

Police officer inspecting 260 viewsThe same officer checking a door for fingerprints

Flagler museum60 views

Stevie, Michelle, and Cinderella59 views

Molley Wiley smokestack59 viewsAn interesting angle I took of the smokestack at Flagler college
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