Most viewed - Coppermine 2005 |

Trash! Beer!90 viewsStevie posing next to the mountain of trash at Crashorama

Van mirror89 viewsMe taking photos at McDonalds after school

Brittany towel88 viewsBrittany hiding and trying to get warmed back up after going in the pool at Jon's birthday

Oreo high chair88 views

Stevie in the early hours88 viewsBraden took this, the night of the beach party

Georgia homes road87 viewsMy dad was flipping out on me because I kept getting out of the van and taking pictures in the road, but it was worth it!

My new camera87 viewsI got my Olympus Stylus 500 for Christmas this year!

Jack H. Crab87 viewsAdrian and Daniel's headcrab model from TMA character day shown here with the crowbar Adrian bought

James beach87 viewsJames posing at the beach

Motion Activated87 viewsJayce tries to get paper from the dispenser, but finds that smacking the machine works better than just swiping his hand under it

Sunrise of the beach party87 views

Jayce lake86 viewsJayce by the lake at Noah and Luke's birthday party

Jayce on Helium 385 viewsJayce gets in trouble for sucking in so much helium from the ballons at Noah and Luke's birthday party

Michael and Nathan at sunrise84 viewsThis was taken at sunrise on our beach party day

Microwaved Steelwool83 viewsA video of what happens when you replace your microwave and then use it to nuke things you shouldn't

Mystery bird83 viewsA bird cleverly employing camoflague

Jayce on Helium 283 viewsJayce sucking in the helium ballons at Noah and Luke's birthday party

Jayce on Helium82 viewsJayce sucking in the helium ballons at Noah and Luke's birthday party

Stevie's hat82 viewsStevie tries on his new hat while working on our english project at his house

Summerish81 viewsA MySpace photo of me in my room
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