Most viewed - Coppermine 2005 |

Dragula432 viewsJayce and I ROCKING OUT to Dragula in the Blockbuster parking lot after working at VBS

Back in black399 viewsI ran back up to the beach after busting out of the pyramid, Brittany surveys our friends with a happy tone

Marsh complains392 viewsMarsh complaining about Halo 2 deaths at Jon's 16th birthday party

Justin and Chris373 views"Ballers"

Aeschylus373 viewsChris mimicking Aeschylus while he, Stevie, and I were working on our Lord of the Flies project

The Flash!359 viewsA photo created out of boredom at Huntington

Get Lost in the Maze349 views

God's sausages342 viewsAdrian ordering breakfat from a farmer's market cart before the Winter Park Parade

The continued chronicles...338 viewsThe second part of burying Nathan, he ended up being turned into a fat pope

In the ocean334 viewsA random scan of the coastline and my friends in the water

The Munoz Sandwhich318 viewsBrittany, Adrian, and Daniel walking around Winter Park during the christmas parade

Brittany's frog pillow311 viewsBrittany with her beloved frog pillow at Braden's The Ring video party

Jayce croc310 viewsJayce on the playset at Noah and Luke's birthday party

Michael and Stevie car307 viewsStevie and I taking photos in my van after Crashorama

Michael hydrant jump298 viewsMichael jumping off a hydrant after the Winter Park Parade

Michael in the warehouse295 viewsMichael posing with the saranwrap that we used to keep all of the bulging boxes together at the Operation Christmas Child warehouse

Basement Dwellers 2288 viewsJames and Craig playing on the Alienware computers at The Gaming Basement

Dunk'n' Donuts286 viewsAt some unholy hour we pulled up to Dunkn Donuts to buy our breakfast before heading out to the beach for the day

Wedding 2 in 1281 viewsMe taking dual photos at AJ's wedding

Michael gazebo280 viewsMichael in the gazebo, I'm the only one who hasnt taken three, but its still fun to watch the progression
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