Most viewed - Coppermine 2005 |

Union Station Christmas columns211 viewsI heavinized them... some

Daniel at Hendricks208 views

The beach birds207 viewsA couple of the birds from the onslaught

Giddy up204 viewsMe in the art room at FBC Orlando during VBS wearing Jayce's hat with my MP3 player hidden in the brim

Braden's cup204 viewsBraden showing his cup of Mountain Dew after ice skating at the RDV Sportsplex

Stevie sleeping204 viewsStevie sleeping on the beach during the party

Bleh202 viewsBrittany making a strange face while trying to keep her balance at the RDV Sportsplex

The Berg Monster Super Shoes200 viewsA very tired Stevie talks about my Berg Monster Super Shoes that press the pedals on the Berg Bus during the burning of our project

Dead Ringers199 viewsBraden and Brittany mimicking the two Ring characters

It's snowing!197 viewsI took this video while it was snowing outside, it was pretty exciting since we hadn't seen snow while in Pennsylvania for years

Michael and Stevie at sunrise197 viewsThis was taken at sunrise on our beach party day

Fancy on bricks195 viewsMy neighbor's cat Fancy sitting on top of the bricks that would soon be a walkway to our front door

Sunny DC guardrail193 views

Happy Everything192 viewsI shoot of a water bottle at Noah and Luke's birthday party during the cleanup

Pole Jump191 viewsMe jumping over the pole in front of Michael's near the Oviedo Mall

Basement Dwellers190 viewsJames, Nathan, and Mac playing on the Alienware computers at The Gaming Basement

Microwaved CD188 viewsA video of what happens when you replace your microwave and then use it to nuke things you shouldn't

Farm field 2187 viewsA farm field in Pennsylvania

Wolverine187 viewsA photo of me next to our TV with the X-Men movie showing the Wolverine resemblance

Gamers Hate Lag185 viewsAdrian, Alex, Jon, Mac, Justin, and James playing Halo 2 and Counter-Strike: Source; Justin hates lag
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