Most viewed - Coppermine 2005 |

Cool kid128 viewsJayce stole our teachers sunglasses and rocked um

Jayce teaches piano126 viewsJayce playing the piano with the VBS kids

Highway landscape126 viewsA photo I took from inside our van of the highway landscape

Shane straws125 viewsShane playing with straws at the Popeyes after our sunday school at FBC Oviedo

Lacing Up123 viewsBrittany and Rebekah lacing up their ice skates at RDV Sportsplex

Cocky little things...122 views

James point121 views

Coke121 viewsA photo of me with the Caffine-Free Coke my dad bought to try to get me to go to bed earlier (it didn't work)

Saturday Morning120 viewsMe barely making it through a Saturday morning at Huntington; armed with a Coke Lime, attempting to fend off the tedious math work

Michael couch119 viewsMichael on the couch the night before VBS

Braden falls118 viewsBraden attempts to race the group, but fails brilliantly at the RDV Sportsplex

Messing with Jean118 viewsJayce and I messing with Jean at the Oviedo Mall

Michael Mermaid118 viewsThe part of the day at the beach party that I got mermaided

Jayce balloon114 viewsJayce watching the balloon fly away at Noah and Luke's birthday party

Michael at the mall 2113 viewsThis time I was waiting outside of a store, I dropped my MP3 player for what must have been the 50th time right before I took this

Box sitting113 viewsMe chilling in a box about to be hauled away at the Operation Christmas Child warehouse

Driving Home113 viewsMr. Schenk driving me home; Stevie hiding from my camera

Sophocles113 viewsMe acting as Sophocles while working on our english project at Stevie's house

Snow!112 viewsI took a picture of me and some snow outside of a post office because a lot of my Florida friends hadn't seen it

Stevie at sunrise112 viewsThis was taken at sunrise on our beach party day
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