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Home > The Master's Academy (2004 - 2008) > Junior Year
Adrian's crazy hair
He basically comes to school, daily, with his hair in odd fashions, yet i'll never know exactly how it happens...

Adrian's crazy hair

He basically comes to school, daily, with his hair in odd fashions, yet i'll never know exactly how it happens...

Adrian_cheese.jpg Adrian_cinco_sign.jpg Adrian_crazy_hair.jpg Adrian_Daniel_and_Pinks.jpg Adrian_desk_sleeping.jpg
File information
Album name:MechMykl / Junior Year
Filesize:3146 KiB
Date added:Jan 19, 2007
Dimensions:3072 x 2304 pixels
Displayed:136 times
DateTime Original:2007:01:08 07:36:40
Exposure Time:1/30 sec
Flash:Flash, Auto-Mode
Make:Olympus Imaging Corp.
Favorites:Add to Favorites