Mr. Adam's destroyed office295 views
Adrians mud tracks190 viewsNathan got Adrian to walk through the TMA mud pit to retrieve a ball; Adrian then walked all around school with nasty shoes-- this is a picture two days after it happened!
Papertowel man142 viewsPapertowelman saved Brittany from Nick one day, he's sure a hero
Bug eyes4782 viewsAdrian and Caitlin on Cinco De Mayo- eyes in the shade
Adrian and Daniel gone wild455 viewsAdrian and Daniel on Wild and Crazy day during spirit week
Adrian nailed225 viewsOscar slamming his fist into Adrian's chest after school
Adrian's angry eyes640 views
Arian attacked233 viewsOn character day, Adrian got mauled in the lunch room by commando Marsh, cool-guy David, Mario James, and chain-dude Nathan; Daniel hopped into the back of this one
Cabinet Adrian461 viewsDuring our time in Princeton Review, Adrian hid himself in Mrs. More's cabinet... why?
Adrian cheese213 viewsAdrian points to some cheese on the trashcan while listening to music
Adrians sign656 viewsAdrian had the best showmanship of anyone that entire day
Adrian's crazy hair135 viewsHe basically comes to school, daily, with his hair in odd fashions, yet i'll never know exactly how it happens...
After school guys311 viewsAdrian, Daniel, and Pinks after school in a random shot
Adrian sleeping after bell209 viewsThe bell rang and everyone walked out, except Adrain; we almost left him there too
Adrain'll buy U a drank192 viewsAdrian drinking one of his concoctions at prom
No sleep184 viewsPetrel was born out of a 6+ hour work night, Adrian didn't look so good after that
Adrian Edd350 viewsAdrian running around the lunchroom like Edd from Ed, Edd, and Eddie
All knowing Eye209 viewsAdrian with the all-knowing-eye on his hand... he's watching
The Fonz and Brittany2531 viewsBrittany was sad before english class, luckily the Fonz was there to cheer her up!
The Fonz and Eric190 viewsEric was the one who originally wanted Adrian to dress up as Fonzie
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