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Home > The Master's Academy (2004 - 2008) > Freshmen Year
Bottoms up!
Our last day in Life Management, Adrian and Nathan teamed up to supply our group with energy drinks, money goes to whoever can guess who we are by our sleeves

Bottoms up!

Our last day in Life Management, Adrian and Nathan teamed up to supply our group with energy drinks, money goes to whoever can guess who we are by our sleeves Bottoms_Up!.jpg Brittany_USB_cord.jpg Brooks_pink_jacket.jpg
File information
Album name:MechMykl / Freshmen Year
Filesize:341 KiB
Date added:Nov 26, 2006
Dimensions:2272 x 1704 pixels
Displayed:273 times
DateTime Original:2005:05:26 04:25:39
Exposure Time:1/60 sec
Flash:Flash, Auto-Mode
Make:Olympus Corporation
Favorites:Add to Favorites