
Kyle's vein77 viewsKyle laying on the ground; every time he smiled his vein would pop out

Leah and Emily81 viewsLeah and her friend Emily by our famous picture wall

Leah hiding57 viewsLeah tries to hide from the camera during lunch but she fails

Leah sleeping613 viewsLeah fell asleep behind the computer racks during yearbook class-- finally after awhile Mrs. Castaldi asked "where did Leah go?" Geran ratted her out

Lights call-list70 viewsChris' lighting instructions for the Friends Forever play

Locker fliers95 viewsSee You At The Poll fliers stickied to each locker at the school

Lori hearts anatomy103 viewsLori was a total man today, Bri was pretty scared of her the entire time

Dissection girls74 viewsLori, Bri, and Kaylee dissecting a heart in anatomy, notice the differing faces

Dissection girls 275 views

Lori the heart eater74 views

Love59 viewsDavid, Nikki, Brittany and I do the FF5 "love" sign during Speech class

Brittany and Daniel nerds90 viewsBrittany and Daniel being crazy hyper during lunch while eating the new sour Nerds

Butt pinch127 viewsDavid tries to clear his name after Nikki tells the camera about what he's really doing at lunch

Lynn's senior ring57 views

Lynn bonnet77 viewsLynn wearing her bonnet during lunch

Lynn and Nathan86 viewsLynn with her Bonnet on, as shown off by Nathan

Lynn at lunch209 views

Lynn Ogrowski164 views

Mac ball60 viewsMac kicking around the random ball that we played with after school

Mac inside his locker108 viewsLynn kinda stares in disgust as her boyfriend jumps into his locker like a monkey
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