Brittany P snowed on214 views
Sunbathed Brittany110 viewsBrittany R after tennis practice bathed in the sun
Brittany's ring95 viewsI took photos of everyone else's rings so I decided to get a shot of the ring I gave Brittany for our 1 year anniversary
Freezing girls102 viewsBrittany and Nikki freezing their butts off before we headed into Daily Bread to work
The Brittany angel80 views
Birthday hat Brittany84 viewsBrittany took a second for a picture on Niko's birthday
Musclesgirl82 viewsThe affectionate name given her by the bald guy at 2nd harvest
The chest attraction1592 viewsBrittany got a drumstick slammed into her chest during lunchtime, much to her embarrasement
Brittany distant253 views
Brittany hairnet117 views
Munoz sandwhich returns115 viewsBrittany between Adrian and Daniel after school
Cinco De Brittany91 viewsBrittany P on Cinco De Mayo day
Wierd red light105 viewsWe couldnt figure out where this menacing red light was coming from, so we just worked with it
School = Great Joy249 viewsBrittany R during yearbook class waiting for the bell to ring
Death by Review345 viewsBrittany dead on the floor after a pack of wild Princeton Review books overtook her
Fish faced Brittany257 viewsBrittany with the pinata face on after school
Hands folded102 views
Indian Guide Brittany230 viewsBrittany wearing my Arapahoe vest from Indian Guides on Wild and Crazy day during spirit week
Brittany loves nerds105 viewsBrittany scarfing down some nerds with Daniel at lunch
The Trojan Shake140 viewsYou put it together, this was taken after the college visit day at my church
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