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Home > The Master's Academy (2004 - 2008) > Senior Year

Michael and Brittany x2151 views
Gangsta' Lynn327 viewsLynn following Braden and the others in our line to get out of the mass of people waiting for the Haunted Mansion
Sticking together354 viewsDavid brings up the rear of our get-through-the-line-alive iniciative
Going down!193 viewsA shot from Splash Mountain as we went down one of the mini falls in anticipation for the big drop
Duck boat101 viewsMrs. Yarborough's ducks floating on a flip flop during a rain storm
Emily smile91 viewsEmily and Lindsey outside during the cornish hen repackaging
Feeling disconnected105 viewsEvan and Brett next to the main building disconnect; I wonder daily what flipping it would do?
Cornish hen drying group156 viewsEvan, Brett, Julia, and Katie drying out their groups hen in preparation for mummification
Nothing left to do5078 viewsIt was nearing the end of our day at the food bank and about an hour before we were supposed to leave we literally ran out of work to do...
The Freezer108 viewsAlex, Julia, Josh, Tom, Rebekah, Lynn, Mrs. Smith, and myself jumped into the freezer for a group shot: this is our story.
The fourway pushups78 viewsMichaela, Ashlyn, Brooks, and Blake doing fourway pushups for our grade during the homecoming pep rally
Government drawings75 viewsThe different drawings put up for our reasons to get people to vote; you can see my woman there that would make guys want to go vote
Blake on the cabinet95 viewsBlake going nuts on the cabinet in Mrs. Boyd's Government class on Wild and Crazy day during spirit week
Passing Slavia111 viewsJayce and I had just slammed through a massive spot of standing water on Red Bug Lake Road as we passed Slavia that completely covered the windshield for a few seconds
Got the cap on247 viewsBraden and I both had the hard time of trying to wear a cap while having spiked hair in the front
Serenity88 viewsMatt, Chris, and Tom get ready for the big night
The ear issue100 viewsBrittany was having a tough time making it so the cap balanced on her head but her hair didn't part itself in areas
Picture time118 views
Hey, Daniel98 viewsI was shooting the previous shot when Daniel walked by... so I kept shooting
We're all so proud126 viewsMe with Andrew and Jayce a little before the ceremony began
815 files on 41 page(s) 14