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Home > The Master's Academy (2004 - 2008) > Senior Year

Chris kickball244 viewsChris during the kickball game at retreat
Ryan kickball252 viewsRyan scouting out the field during the kickball game at retreat
Brown team floaters79 viewsMe and the brown team at retreat showing off our floating creation
Orange team boat219 viewsThe orange team with their boat at retreat
Square boat races129 viewsThe square shaped boats race off the line at retreat; each of them flipped over
Leah boat box4219 viewsLeah with her box boat after a race at retreat
Panel boats race86 viewsThe boats shaped like panels race at retreat
Panel boats race 285 viewsChloe and Hazel racing on the cardboard boats at retreat
Evan boat racing79 viewsEvan with his boating hat racing at retreat
Three man pyramid83 viewsOne of the stops on the relay race at retreat for Blake, Evan, and Janssen
Trenchwork82 viewsA team working through the trenches at the paintball field looking for Mrs. Thompson
Niko rockwall86 viewsNiko climbing the rockwall at retreat
Sean people glasses245 viewsThis shot was a very odd one, I threw it into manual focus and to get any semblance of clarity in his glasses his face AND the background had to be out of focus, but even his glasses had differing focus points!
Our pitch45 viewsOur yearbook team working on our theme for the year to pitch for prizes at yearbook camp
Michael running42 viewsWe couldn't have cut it our finished product any closer to the deadline if it was our intention at yearbook camp
I dont run, I fly42 viewsMe running to the main building to turn in our finished product at yearbook camp
The guys at finish49 viewsTurns out, most of the other groups had just finished seconds earlier too; Daniel, Stevie, and I had just ran all the way to the finish hall with Justin taking pictures
The Master's Touch 07-08 team60 viewsMarsh, Daron, Brittany, Niko, Stevie, Justin, Laura, Daniel, myself, and Taylor on a tree on the final day of yearbook camp
James study hall pass4074 viewsJames had to get a pass to specifically get his periodic table chart from his locker during a study hall; Ms. Voytenko must have been having a bad day1 comments
Janssen wrestling105 viewsA slow-shutter shot of Janssen wrestling in our cabin
815 files on 41 page(s) 25