Carmel and Nip5843 viewsCarmel and Nip, my two gerbils, in their cage.
BOOM HEADSHOT403 viewsJayce up close shooting a rocket launcher
Axe Attacker462 viewsJayce chopping up the roots of one of our trees looking like he's in a horror film
Michelle attacked753 viewsMichelle getting axed by Jayce during our family's resodding
Jayce modeling546 viewsAfter hulk ripping his shirt, Jayce decided to show off his abs
Jayce goggles413 viewsJayce wearing safety goggles before the root chopping began
Michael and Jayce rawr345 viewsMichael rawring next to a zoned-out looking Jayce during my family's resodding
Muddy Michelle1692 viewsMichelle splashed with dirt from all of the root chopping chaos
Mom Christmas259 viewsMy mom getting presents together for Christmas
Mom raking4996 viewsMy mom raking the dead grass that would soon be replaced by new sod
Nip held377 viewsMy gerbil Nip
Noah Rock On261 viewsNoah giving the rock on sign during our street's fireworks
Oreo chair262 viewsOreo lounging in the living room chair
Jayce hulk268 viewsJayce rips the small hole he found in his shirt Hulk style, and we present the dirt ball created solely to throw at horses
Root chopping391 viewsMy dad chopping the root of one of the front yard trees with debree flying all over Jayce and I
Stevie football235 viewsStevie tiredly looking at the camera holding up the football Missy gave me at the game during one of our English projects
Stevie tired255 viewsStevie tiredly looking at the camera during one of our English projects
Tiger yawn282 viewsA photo my sister took of Tiger, mid yawn, that looks like she scared him