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Home > The Master's Academy (2004 - 2008) > Senior Year

Last comments - Senior Year
Darnell and the pig534 viewsMr. Darnell eager to slice up some ham during the midnight feast2 comments12/23/09 at 21:02MechMykl: Fixed Smile
The pile428 viewsDaniel in front of the massive pile that got dumped into my car after cleaning up most of Kyle's house for use later1 comments08/19/08 at 00:14Guest_mrs p: geez daniel. thats a lot of flushes, man.
Daniel attacked by fans238 viewsDaniel singing Respect on stage as Alex and Birkmire attack him in fandom1 comments08/07/08 at 18:38Daniel: They never attacked me... I think the perspective ...
Adrian's guests1708 viewsAdrian made a special effort to keep the keychain's seat reserved1 comments08/05/08 at 05:52Daniel: HAHA that's our keychain... Rolling Eyes
Darnell and the pig534 viewsMr. Darnell eager to slice up some ham during the midnight feast2 comments06/10/08 at 19:09btard: AHEM I TOOK THIS PICTURE SILLY!
Darnell koalaing620 viewsBrett being koalaed by Mr. Darnell during a fire drill; so much for being in a straight line1 comments05/25/08 at 18:55Guest_AJ: THIS WAS THE BEST MOMENT OF APWH!!
Inspecting Lynn's dress202 viewsMatt and James watch as Rebekah inspects Lynn's dress carrier1 comments05/08/08 at 15:34Guest_Beka: I was actually looking at the dress
Michael and muslim Nathan196 viewsNathan dressed up as a muslim for his school picture1 comments02/27/08 at 18:39Guest_topher: OH MY GOD!! ITS BARRACK OBAMA!!! Exclamation
Brittany and Chris homecoming230 views1 comments02/27/08 at 18:33Guest_topher: haha...i remember this...i said she looked like an...
Brittany and Marissa dance1822 viewsBrittany and Marissa at the homecoming dance1 comments12/15/07 at 07:24Guest_rissilou: aww the two tennis girls Smile
Michael and the tennis girls6011 viewsMe, Marissa, and Brittany at the homecoming dance1 comments12/15/07 at 07:21Guest_rissilou: aww I love this picture! Its me and the famous cou...
James study hall pass4077 viewsJames had to get a pass to specifically get his periodic table chart from his locker during a study hall; Ms. Voytenko must have been having a bad day1 comments11/27/07 at 15:56Water: no, she does that anytime anyone needs to go anywh...
Ride!205 viewsThis will make sense to all of the yearbook camp kids, but to anybody else NO this is not what it looks like1 comments10/31/07 at 16:06Aequitas9: wow, thats dirty
Senior class meeting228 viewsOur senior class meeting in the cafeteria to decide where to go on our senior trip at retreat1 comments09/17/07 at 21:23Guest_Christina Ewen: you guys all look so excited to be seniors lol
The senior class of 2008244 viewsOur class in front of the Word of Life camp commons room after our senior class meeting1 comments09/10/07 at 20:26Daniel: sans adrian and daniel Sad
Justin sleeping yearbook camp354 viewsJustin died and fell asleep around 1 am in this position at yearbook camp1 comments09/08/07 at 21:24Guest_Niko: Haha, i remember i kept shuving m&m's in h...
Open house parking216 viewsThe construction workers took up nearly 50% of our entire parking lot space with their junk1 comments09/05/07 at 17:30Water: and they still do!
Personalities231 viewsThis shot pretty well describes Brittany and Chris' differing personalities during a retreat game1 comments09/05/07 at 17:28Water: or their personalities usually... chris verbally a...
Underwater Devil Rays348 viewsBraden, Chris, and I took a trip to the Devil Ray tank during the baseball game and while I took this video a bunch of people were like, "I wouldn't be doing that if I were you!"1 comments08/25/07 at 18:14Guest_Beka: o the memories Cool
Daron pantyhose162 viewsDaron trying to force bananna mush out of pantyhose on her head during a game at retreat1 comments08/23/07 at 08:57kiwixmas: eeeeeuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!
22 files on 2 page(s) 1