Last additions - Junior Year |

Cinco de Kaylee78 viewsKaylee manning her mini golf stand during Cinco de MayoMay 08, 2007

Lynn Ogrowski164 viewsMay 08, 2007

Caitlin Bug eyes97 viewsAdrian snuck up behind Caitlin when I took this picMay 08, 2007

Cinco De Brittany91 viewsBrittany P on Cinco De Mayo dayMay 08, 2007

Tanning on Cinco De Mayo206 views98 degree weather and no clouds, ouch!May 08, 2007

Bug eyes4786 viewsAdrian and Caitlin on Cinco De Mayo- eyes in the shadeMay 08, 2007

Madeline and Christina singing98 viewsMadeline and Chrstina singing during the Friends Forever playMay 02, 2007

Grinding84 viewsSean and Jared in the Friends Forever playMay 02, 2007

Ghetto Nikki204 viewsShe dresed up for her speech projectMay 02, 2007

Nikki and Victoria80 viewsNikki and Victoria dressed up for our Speech presentationMay 02, 2007

80's Herzig70 viewsMay 02, 2007

Flirty Friends Forever69 viewsMay 02, 2007

80's Madeline73 viewsMadeline after the Friends Forever play dressed in 80's garbMay 02, 2007

Lights call-list70 viewsChris' lighting instructions for the Friends Forever playMay 02, 2007

Karate Julie82 viewsJulie about to Judo chop Chris after the Friends Forever playMay 02, 2007

Julie freakout82 viewsJulie during the Friends Forever play freaking out at MichaelMay 02, 2007

Friends Forever singing103 viewsBrittany P, Jessica, Madeline, Amanda, Jered, Christina, and Katie singing during the Friends Forever playMay 02, 2007

80's Ally and Brittany102 viewsAlly and Brittany P singing on stage during the Friends Forever playMay 02, 2007

Friends Forever singing 4100 viewsMay 02, 2007

Friends Forever singing 2229 viewsRachel, Julie, Amanda, Kibwe, Katie, Michelle, and Alex singing during the Friends Forever playMay 02, 2007
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