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Home > The Master's Academy (2004 - 2008) > Senior Year

Last additions - Senior Year
Michael and Tom homecoming52 viewsMichael following Tom in his performance marching line after the halftime at the homecoming gameNov 14, 2007
Michael and Stevie afterparty51 viewsMichael and Stevie at the homecoming afterpartyNov 14, 2007
Michael and Sean crazy52 viewsMichael and Sean in Mrs. Boyd's government class on Wild and Crazy day during spirit weekNov 14, 2007
Michael and Oscar homecoming55 viewsMichael and Oscar (Nathan in the background) during the homecoming afterpartyNov 14, 2007
Michael and Niko crazy89 viewsMichael and Niko during lunch on Wild and Crazy day during spirit weekNov 14, 2007
Michael and dirty Nathan485 viewsNathan looks like a hobo after being facepainted during the homecoming assemblyNov 14, 2007
Michael and Niko homecoming79 viewsMichael and Niko during the homecoming gameNov 14, 2007
Michael and Brittany prespeeches75 viewsBrittany and I before we had to give our homecoming court speechesNov 14, 2007
Michael and Brittany mustang58 viewsBrittany and I driving past on the track in or MustangNov 14, 2007
Michael Adrian Niko homecoming71 viewsHalf of our heads got cut off by my finger (ARGH!)Nov 14, 2007
Michael and Alex homecoming54 viewsAlex and I at the homecoming dance (near the end... I lost my suit, it was hot)Nov 14, 2007
Kenny and Kevin79 viewsKenny and Kevin at the homecoming danceNov 14, 2007
Jeff wild and crazy day51 viewsJeff taking pictures with Amanda's camera during Government class on Wild and Crazy day during spirit weekNov 14, 2007
Michael and Brittany helium177 viewsOur table was the first to think of messing with the helium balloons; after we had started other people did it and got in a troubleNov 14, 2007
Marissa the teacher314 viewsMarissa teaching Adrian to dance at homecomingNov 14, 2007
Blake on the cabinet95 viewsBlake going nuts on the cabinet in Mrs. Boyd's Government class on Wild and Crazy day during spirit weekNov 14, 2007
The fourway pushups79 viewsMichaela, Ashlyn, Brooks, and Blake doing fourway pushups for our grade during the homecoming pep rallyNov 14, 2007
David and Nikki mustang197 viewsDavid and Nikki driving by in their mustang during the homecoming ceremonyNov 14, 2007
Darnell koalaing624 viewsBrett being koalaed by Mr. Darnell during a fire drill; so much for being in a straight line1 commentsNov 14, 2007
Darnell and Tristan206 viewsMr. Darnell brought his son to school today on Halloween dressed up as a pirateNov 14, 2007
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