Last additions - Senior Year |

I dont run, I fly44 viewsMe running to the main building to turn in our finished product at yearbook campOct 18, 2007

Michael running44 viewsWe couldn't have cut it our finished product any closer to the deadline if it was our intention at yearbook campOct 18, 2007

Our pitch46 viewsOur yearbook team working on our theme for the year to pitch for prizes at yearbook campOct 18, 2007

[Panorama] Construction truck yard372 viewsThis behemonth of a construction truck drove by and shook our room a little, click on the medium picture to see the full size panoramaOct 18, 2007

Cameron and Petrosky chair530 viewsCameron drawing on the board while Mr. Petrosky takes prayer requests during 1st period BibleOct 18, 2007

Building during class224 viewsTwo builders were coming in to finish the wiring during our class periodOct 18, 2007

Ashlyn has the answer124 viewsAshlyn holding up her answer drawing during an English class review gameOct 18, 2007

Ally and Brittany peace251 viewsAlly and Brittany during 2nd period bibleOct 18, 2007

Alex makeup143 viewsEveryone described it to my the same way I saw it; Alex came walking in and looked like he had been in a trainwreckOct 18, 2007

Warheads!115 viewsYearbookees eating warheads and making faces to matchOct 09, 2007

Do you need to stand?108 viewsTrent and Stevie standing during chemistry class because of their inability to stay awakeOct 09, 2007

Petrowski turtleing73 viewsMr. Petrosky in the process of turtleing Cameron's backpackOct 09, 2007

Petrowski's finished product242 viewsMr. Petrowski turtled Camerons backpack smaller and better than any of our methods ever couldOct 09, 2007

Lorin crazy stuff89 viewsLorin with all of her new secret buddy items with Brittany despairing in the backgroundOct 09, 2007

Jon wakes up69 viewsJon is usually tired and sleepy during Mr. Petrosky's first period bible; but when he does wake up he's ready to argueOct 09, 2007

Turtle complete61 viewsJeff with Katie's turtled backpack hanging atop Mrs. Boyd's doorOct 09, 2007

Jeff and Eddie vote66 viewsJeff and Eddie presenting their pro-voting poster during GovernmentOct 09, 2007

Happy Birthday Trent BAM118 viewsIt was Trent's birthday and so as a gift everyone took a turn slamming his balloon into his face during ChemistryOct 09, 2007

Photographer Brittany 2221 viewsOct 09, 2007

Blake wants you to vote111 viewsOct 09, 2007
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