Last additions - Senior Year |

Braden and David grass122 viewsWe were chilling outside of the lunch hall talking around a circle, Braden and David picked up grass like hicks and chewed themAug 18, 2007

Darnell and Marsh sleeping1582 viewsNathan thought that there was no way to sleep on this bus, but I knew for sure that Mr. Darnell would die outAug 18, 2007

Collin's pillow156 viewsCollin brought a pillowcase, but no pillowAug 18, 2007

Spider fighting5792 viewsBraden with three of the dorm spiders on a stick, open the full size by clicking the pic and see them trying to kill eachotherAug 18, 2007

Spider catching2346 viewsBraden and Colbey capturing a spider in the speedball tube around the Germany cabinAug 18, 2007

Braden in a pool235 views"Yea, but only the feet" Nathan was dieing to push him in thoughAug 18, 2007

Trent's beard162 viewsAug 15, 2007

Open house parking218 viewsThe construction workers took up nearly 50% of our entire parking lot space with their junkAug 15, 2007

Mom and Mrs. Drylie145 viewsMy mom and Mrs. Drylie at the Open HouseAug 15, 2007

Michael and Nathan Open House94 viewsMichael and Nathan at the Open HouseAug 15, 2007

Michael and Adrian escalade86 viewsAug 15, 2007

Braden and Nathan hair1602 viewsNathan grew his hair out to Braden-like proportions all summer, but then he told us his mom was making him get it cut hours later!Aug 15, 2007

[Panorama] Perpendicular parking1783 viewsA wider angle shot of Adrian's brilliant park jobAug 15, 2007

Adrian's perpendicular parking5366 viewsA brilliant man, Adrian made a parking spot where no one else would: in between two parallelly parked cars, effectively blocking both from leaving until he didAug 15, 2007

Escalade Curb park192 viewsAdrian's second accidental park job, he didnt know he couldnt park in the yellow dashing lines, so when I finally yelled stop, he ran up on the curbAug 15, 2007

[Panorama] Adrian blocking TMA entrance950 viewsAdrian and I did a whole spree of "perpendicular parking" shots, this time we blocked the front gate of TMA for a few minutesAug 15, 2007

Marsh revenge120 viewsMarsh sprays Cetaphil all over the security kid's door at retreatJul 27, 2007

Marsh's revenge142 viewsMarsh's revenge on the security kid at yearbook camp, this time on video; it was good!Jul 27, 2007

Justin attacks Daniel190 viewsJustin pulls the shark-in-water trick on Daniel and scares him at the beachJul 27, 2007

4 AM145 viewsI took this video at 4 AM during yearbook camp work night; Laura was still up but most of the rest of us were exausted yet still not asleepJul 27, 2007
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