Most viewed - Junior Year |

Chris' turtled backpack6903 viewsChris got his backpack turtled in Mrs. Boyd's history class when he wasn't looking, it was a huge phenomenon even garnering it's own day

Bug eyes4786 viewsAdrian and Caitlin on Cinco De Mayo- eyes in the shade

The Fonz and Brittany2534 viewsBrittany was sad before english class, luckily the Fonz was there to cheer her up!

Blake blood pressure2302 viewsBlake getting his blood pressure checked during Anatomy; yay circulatory system!

Christa hug attacked2016 viewsJustin hug attacking Christa during yearbook

The chest attraction1596 viewsBrittany got a drumstick slammed into her chest during lunchtime, much to her embarrasement

Face slam1296 viewsI got tackled into the water

Brett plays1124 viewsBrett and Josh on the playground during our break time

Braden wild821 viewsBraden on Wild and Crazy day during spirit week hiding from the camera

Smashing!808 viewsDaniel and Niko destroyed this poor Toyota at the yearbook seminar

Justin in the bookcase764 viewsMrs. Hinds gave us a stretch break during Geometry, Justin spent it cooped up in the bookshelf

Dave in a skirt743 viewsDave dressed up in a skirt from his homeland

Sweaty boys at homecoming681 viewsPinks, Andrew, and James being really energetic at the homecoming dance

Nikki is sad674 viewsand Braden is happy? What an odd prom!

Adrians sign660 viewsAdrian had the best showmanship of anyone that entire day

Where are the women?648 viewsThis wierd sign was at the hotel that we stayed at for Taylor on Tour, apparently there is a special room for women there but we couldnt find it

Adrian's angry eyes645 views

Leah sleeping618 viewsLeah fell asleep behind the computer racks during yearbook class-- finally after awhile Mrs. Castaldi asked "where did Leah go?" Geran ratted her out

We're too sexy521 viewsAt the kareoke party after the homecoming game, my friends and I went up to do "I'm to sexy"; I ended up throwing a little clothing while singing and Mr. Herzig was pretty angry about it!

Stevie sitting on Brittany472 viewsStevie helping Brittany out during yearbook
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