Most viewed - Junior Year |

Raining ducks114 viewsMrs. Yarborough's ducks take a shower

The Friends Forever cast114 views

Ally at retreat114 viewsShot credit to Stevie

Ally wall113 viewsAlly's wall shot for the year

Students sleeping113 viewsJosh and some girl taking a nap right before lunch

Chris pensive113 viewsChris thinking about some stuff during lunch

Get Christa, get Christa!113 viewsEverybody was yelling for Rachel to go shoot Christa as she walked by

Wild Alex112 viewsAlex on Wild and Crazy day during spirit week

Braden and Oscar at the mall112 viewsBraden and Oscar on an art field trip getting some lunch

Brooks and Janssen pond112 views

Braden and Ally112 viewsBraden and Ally smile for the camera during bible class

The Fonz112 viewsAdrian dressed up as Fonzie today...

Nathan's blood pressure112 viewsStephen checking for Nathan's pulse

Chris on the bus112 viewsShot credit to Stevie

Brittany angry wall111 viewsBrittany fuming at Leah after school near the wall

Homecoming misc 8111 views

Dancing at Prom 7111 viewsTotally going crazy dancing with Brittany P

Lynn and Brittany at retreat111 viewsShot credit to Stevie

Wild Bri110 viewsBri dressed up for Wild and Crazy day during spirit week

Ally grudge110 viewsAlly with her hair down in Mrs. Boyd's class like the grudge girl
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