Most viewed - Junior Year |

Pep cheerleaders 289 views

Ryan wild89 viewsRyan dressed up as Edward on Wild and Crazy day during spirit week

Sean wild89 viewsSean all dressed up for Wild and Crazy day during spirit week

Thomas is a character89 viewsThomas dressed up for Character Day during spirit week

Kelly and her friend89 viewsKelly and her friend at the homecoming dance

The girls bunny eared89 viewsNiko, Bri, and Leah pose for a picture while all the guys bunny ear them

Tennis seniors89 views

Janssen hairnet89 viewsJanssen with a hairnet on at Daily Bread

Marsh's birthday table89 viewsIt was Marsh's birthday today... so he fed EVERYBODY

Michael and Justin math88 viewsJustin and I during math class

Peace, kiddies88 views

Chris' senior ring88 views

Adrian is in the dumps88 views

Rebekah bored88 viewsRebekah laying there doing nothing (as we all were) during the baseball game

Justin and Niko prom88 views

Lynn and Nathan87 viewsLynn with her Bonnet on, as shown off by Nathan

Big lips87 viewsNathan making fun of my big lips

Crazyness!87 viewsNathan going crazy during Beery's bible

Nikki's kneecaps87 viewsSo Nikki had some reason that she didn't want anyone to look, get near, or touch her kneecaps... David did it anyway

Niko in Algebra87 views
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