Most viewed - Junior Year |

Rebekah serving83 viewsRebekah serving food for the homeless at Daily Bread

Rebekah and Lynn basket83 viewsInstead of being conventional, I focused on the basket and framed Rebekah (oooh, ahhh)

Karate Julie83 viewsJulie about to Judo chop Chris after the Friends Forever play

Mrs. Tome's destroyed office83 viewsThe band and the art kids destroyed her office along with a few parents, in this one you an see all of the sticky notes on the walls

The crazy circle dance83 viewsWe "walked it out" to all play around in the hallway at the homecoming dance

Dancing at Prom83 views

Leah and Emily82 viewsLeah and her friend Emily by our famous picture wall

Mac's dog rock82 viewsMac doggy rock

Big Pharma82 viewsMe in the random tractor that was parked at the front of our school

Tree reflection 282 views

Musclesgirl82 viewsThe affectionate name given her by the bald guy at 2nd harvest

Nathan pigtails82 viewsI was shooting my old braces rubber bands around the classroom when Emily, Blake, and Braden decided to put them to better use

Julie freakout82 viewsJulie during the Friends Forever play freaking out at Michael

Mrs. Tome's destroyed office 282 viewsThe one shows the "sniped student" that once sat in Mrs Tome's chair; a great shot of all the cups on the floor; oh, and they're all full

Jason spraying Lindsay82 viewsJason shooting a followable water stream at Lindsay

Dancing at Prom 882 viewsDaniel dancing with Julie and Missi to thriller

Emo and Crazy day81 viewsNathan and Oscar acting bored during Wild and Crazy day during spirit week

Homecoming with Mom81 viewsMy mom and I at the homecoming dance

Nathan and Kelly81 viewsDancing crazy at homecoming

Ally's eye81 views
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