Most viewed - Junior Year |

Sour Oscar80 viewsOscar sucking on a lemon at prom

Kyle's vein79 viewsKyle laying on the ground; every time he smiled his vein would pop out

Lynn bonnet79 viewsLynn wearing her bonnet during lunch

Bad mood sign79 viewsI wasn't having a very good day at all, and that fact kinda showed without any effort on my own; Nathan and Oscar were nice enough to alert everyone in the area

Suited up79 viewsMe hanging out after school in my suit that, for some reason, has an off-center tie

Rebekah and Daniel cake79 viewsChris, Rebekah, and Daniel enjoying chocolate cake

Braden the model79 viewsI took this completely random shot and it turned out well

Some of the trash79 viewsJustin took this great picture of the trash at 2nd Harvest... yummy

Snoopy's gang79 viewsA shot from the You're A Good Man Charlie Brown play

Nathan sleeping79 viewsNathan hoboing it in the thrift store

Niko blood pressure79 viewsI'm surprised he never really caught me taking all these pics

Dancing at Prom 479 views

The happy workers78 viewsA group shot of the volunteers at the Second Harvest Food Bank

I crush stuff78 viewsMe sitting on the busted up car in the parking lot

Ryan is sought after78 viewsA shot from the You're A Good Man Charlie Brown play

Oscar gaming78 viewsOscar freaking out because i almost messed up his game of Mars Patrol during Algebra

Janssen and Ray serve78 viewsJanssen and Raymond serving water in their smocks at Daily Bread

Frustrated Nikki78 views

Orphan Michael77 views

Snack machine sign77 viewsA note that was supposedly from my mom on the snack machine
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