Most viewed - Junior Year |

Webcam shot 373 viewsZombie Bri inhabits this webcam shot at the Orlando Science Center exhibit

Michael in a silk shirt73 viewsOne of the clothes in the incredible Daily Bread thrift store collection

Justin birthday hat72 viewsJustin takes a second to wish Niko a happy birthday

Lights call-list72 viewsChris' lighting instructions for the Friends Forever play

80's Herzig72 views

Flirty Friends Forever71 views

Kyle at prom71 viewsKyle sitting out a dance during prom

Nick smile70 viewsNick smiles as Chris dumps butter on his head

Samantha icinged70 views

Meh... Track70 viewsI wasnt all that excited about looking dumb while running that day

Rich playing with the ball69 views

Brittany hits 269 views

Ready to swing69 viewsMadeline readies herself for the incoming ball

The track team69 viewsKelly, Sarah, Victoria, Me, Michelle, and Krystal posing for the track team's yearbook shot

My heart69 viewsFor you, isnt it pretty?

Insert here69 viewsMr. Herzig showed us the correct way to thrust our finger into the heart, I think I got the technique right

Daily Bread = Fed69 viewsMy friends and I in our Daily Bread garb as the day ended

Michael and Braden hairnet69 viewsHair woosh!; Braden and I serving food at Daily Bread

Steven's grr face68 viewsSo Stevie took a picture of Steven working on the yearbook... waiting, that is, for StudioWorks to load

Rebekah's watch68 viewsA random shot of Rebekah's new watch
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