Most viewed - Junior Year |

The Mariachi band168 viewsA mariachi band came for the senior lunch today

Rebekah and Stevie at lunch167 viewsI like this shot a lot, both are in focus and its in super macro mode :)

James and Stevie at homecoming166 views

Senior lunch konga line166 views

Quick pose166 viewsStevie and Lynn with Justin and Niko at prom

Lynn Ogrowski164 views

Cold Ally163 viewsAlly freezing in history class

It's raining163 viewsRain pounding the pavement

Manwhiches163 viewsJustin and I's sandwhiches-- every type of meat they had at the bar with mustard and coke; they barely fit in our mouths

Niko and Bri yearbook163 viewsI took this picture of the two of them while Mrs. Castaldi was talking, Justin kinda messed up the entire picture there

The mooooose161 viewsMarsh next to the massive moose head at the Elk's lodge that we had our homecoming dance at

Waterbottle tossing160 viewsBraden, Justin, and Nathan were taking turns tossing a massive waterbottle full of TMA fountain water up in the air to break it

Check us out160 viewsBraden, Rebekah and I holding up a few random checks at 2nd Harvest

The quarter158 viewsIn Mrs. Hinds class I took a really close-up picture of a quarter, and right afterwards Adrian slammed his head next to it-- he hadn't slept much the night before

Braden David and Nathan cookies158 views

Stevie and Brittany ooh158 views

Michael stretching158 viewsChrista took this for yearbook?

Alex in a dress156 views

Michael wild and crazy156 viewsMichael on Wild and Crazy day with Bri's ears on, my Indian Guides vest, and a couple of non-matching shirts during Anatomy during spirit week

Pooptypueptypants156 viewsSean writes on the board during class
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