Most viewed - Senior Year |

Kyle and Joey98 viewsIt was an exhausting day at the beach...

Bad day?98 viewsStevie playing some of his ringtones to Emily in an effort to pass the time and cheer her up

Hmm...98 viewsChris trying to figure out what to do with the time we had left as seniors

Brad walking98 viewsBrad walking during the class of 2008's graduation processional

Amanda R's diploma98 viewsAmanda getting her diploma from Dr. Harris

Blake the Knight97 viewsBlake during the knight-mount game at retreat

Workers resting97 viewsTwo of the workers sitting around during the lunchtime rush

Let us loose97 viewsWhile the chaperones were making their plans, Rebekah, Tom, Jon, Adrian, and myself were talking about what the day would bring us

Adrian fell asleep too97 viewsAdrian can fall asleep anywhere... how peaceful

The high life97 viewsI saw this kid hanging out on the beach in his own little house

The barge97 viewsThe barge that took us to and back from the beach after the busride

Heading to the dive shop97 viewsBrad, Mr. Hall, Mr. Moyer, Jeff, and Brittany on our way to the dive shop in St. Martin

David surprised97 viewsWe started lining up for the walk when this was taken

Rachel and Joanna GTKYG96 viewsRachel putting her nose to Joanna's shoe during the get-to-know-you-game

The Mickey umbrella96 viewsMr. Petrosky during the TMA rainstorm with his Mickey umbrella

To the beach!96 viewsMr. Drylie leading Nathan, Jeff, Brittany, Chris, Tom, Marsh, and Brad to the beach

Do work96 viewsI pretty much drop my stuff on the floor and go get the shot no matter what, people like Brittany and Raymond are nice enough to pick up my stuff for me haha

James96 viewsJames waiting for the processional to start

Michael and Nathan Open House95 viewsMichael and Nathan at the Open House

Dave swings95 viewsBrett was painting alone when Dave jumped from nowhere with a scraper at Coalition for the Homeless
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