Most viewed - Senior Year |

[Panorama] Workday wrapup95 viewsStudents listening to the leader talk about the good work they did at Coalition for the Homeless

Blake on the cabinet95 viewsBlake going nuts on the cabinet in Mrs. Boyd's Government class on Wild and Crazy day during spirit week

Sunrise 6:41 AM95 views

FEMA aid95 viewsOne of the many interesting things we saw while riding around St. Thomas

Joey walking95 viewsJoey walking during the class of 2008's graduation processional

Nathan's diploma95 viewsNathan getting his diploma from Dr. Harris

Sean's jacket chest94 viewsSean playing with his pockets during government

Darnell and Michaela scraping94 viewsMr. Darnell and Michaela working at Coalition for the Homeless

Tom's diploma94 viewsTom getting his diploma from Dr. Harris

Blake's diploma94 viewsBlake getting his diploma from Dr. Harris

Lorin camera93 viewsI randomly flashed Lorin during dinner at Houlihan's

Gold Team Ashlyn93 viewsAshlyn working on the gold team's sign at retreat

Marsh wristband93 viewsMarsh trying to beat the wristband game during Yearbook; this game was spawned during retreat by Mr. Darnell and Mr. Petrowski

Beads!93 viewsJulia and Josh putting on some beads they got at the Greater Orlando Food Bank

Mr. Darnell the stud93 views

St. Thomas landscape93 viewsYou can see one of the bus-trucks in the back that was similar to ours

Conversating93 viewsJoey talking to Michaela and Jeff during our drive time

Brad at lunch93 viewsBrad ordering some food from the Blue Bitch Bar

Evan's diploma93 viewsEvan (finally) getting his diploma from Dr. Harris

Jon and Michael93 viewsJon and I a few minutes before the graduation processional
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