Most viewed - Senior Year |

Penguin Brittany74 viewsAt least, that's what I THINK she was going for?

Feeding the towel bunny74 views

Sunrise 6:45 AM74 views

Blake flowriding 374 views

Joey flowriding74 views

Julia tries to stand74 viewsMatt helps Julia get balanced for her shot trying the standing style of the flowrider

Julia flowriding74 viewsShe appears freightened...

Flowrider girls74 viewsMichaela, Julia, and Katie warming up in wait for their turns on the flowrider

Matt's jump74 viewsMatt attempted a pretty cool jump too

Michaela's jump74 viewsShe didn't even wait for this one, pretty much as soon as she got on the board she jumped in the air (she praticed a little before, though)

My full family74 viewsJayce, myself, my dad, my sister, my mom, and Stevie after the graduation ceremony

Marsh cold73 viewsMarsh stuffed inside of his shirt on a cold morning during College Algebra

James with a smock73 viewsMe with James who was wearing his smock after a Chemistry experiment

Michael and Brittany prespeeches73 viewsBrittany and I before we had to give our homecoming court speeches

Brittany flowriding 273 viewsBrittany a few seconds before her wipeout on the flowrider

Towel bunny 373 views

Julia flowriding 373 views

Guys group shot73 viewsThe guys of our senior class at St. Thomas from left to right: Raymond, Nathan, Jon, Kibwe, Marsh, Brett, Janssen, Jeff, Evan, Joey, Chris, Brad, Mr. Darnell, Adrian, Matt, Dave, Daniel, Sean, Blake, Kyle, David, James, Braden, myself, and Tom

Rebekah and the towelhead73 viewsI'm not sure which should be the focal point, Rebekah in St. Thomas or Braden the towelhead?

Petrowski turtleing72 viewsMr. Petrosky in the process of turtleing Cameron's backpack
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