Most viewed - Senior Year |

Torrential raining231 viewsPeople running through the massive puddle that accumulates during a rainstorm

Joanna walking231 viewsJoanna walking during the class of 2008's graduation processional

Bill: Hyper, again231 viewsJust like Halloween Horror Nights, Brittany P drives Rebekah insane with her hyperactivity

Brittany and Chris homecoming230 views

[Panorama] Deck 12 Sunset 2230 viewsA vertical view of the sunset that night, click the medium picture to see the fullsize ready to be scrolled horizontally in your browser

Rainstorm! 3229 viewsRebekah and Matt trying to stay dry

Snorkeling229 viewsA video of what I was seeing underwater and a little of above while snorkeling at St. Thomas

Senior class meeting228 viewsOur senior class meeting in the cafeteria to decide where to go on our senior trip at retreat

Stephen surprised228 viewsStephen staring at the camera I stuck in his face at the Greater Orlando Food Bank service day

Rainstorm! 4228 viewsBraden took of his Abercrombie shirt and came to run over to where I was under cover, Tom, Brittany, and Chris were still on their way

Towel bunny 2227 views

Tom during kickball225 viewsThomas during the kickball game at retreat

Reflection shot224 viewsJames and I through multiple mirrors after we all had just gotten settled into our cabins

Big Jon pantyhose222 viewsBig Jon trying to force bananna mush through pantyhose at retreat

Brittany and Bruce checkpoint222 viewsBrittany and her dad pose for a picture on the 6th floor of the ship

Building during class221 viewsTwo builders were coming in to finish the wiring during our class period

Braden and Michael221 viewsBraden and I a few minutes before the graduation processional

The last crazy dinner220 viewsThis was the night Nathan dressed up as a ballchinian and Marsh constructed some hat, and a bunch of other craziness

Orange team boat219 viewsThe orange team with their boat at retreat

Photographer Brittany 2219 views
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