Most viewed - Senior Year |

Rainstorm! 5218 viewsLynn, James, and Tom hiding out under an overhang to stay dry during the rainstorm

Lynn's diploma217 viewsLynn getting her diploma from Dr. Harris

Open house parking216 viewsThe construction workers took up nearly 50% of our entire parking lot space with their junk

Joanna and Kayla ponytails216 viewsJoanna and Kalya with their hair done up for senior picture day

Michael suit and Chris 2216 viewsNathan tried to Jump into the shot of Me and Chris after the homecoming ceremony

Adrian plays dominos216 viewsAdrian keeping busy while waiting to go to the bay at Tommy's Place

Joey's diploma216 viewsJoey getting his diploma from Dr. Harris

Stevie at lunch215 viewsStevie makes a quick call to his parents before the boat's towers turn on and the charges get jacked up

More hugs!215 viewsDr. Harris isn't much of a touchy-huggy guy but seeing Stevie jump on him, Tom decided he might as well do the same

-10 degrees213 viewsAlli, Kristin, Michelle, Rebekah, and I were standing in the freezer trying to cool off when we actually did start freezing at the Greater Orlando Food Bank

Jeff's arm: take notes212 views

Nikki lifts David210 viewsAnother girl who loves to pick up her boyfriend to show her strength at the Coalition for the Homeless

Quick Kker Hug209 viewsBrittany was feeling hyper and so jumped around me for a quick hug

Michael suit and James207 viewsMichael and James after the homecoming ceremony

Chris and Nathan the ballchinian207 viewsChris was honored to meet the ballchinian

Laura got stuck207 viewsLaura watched by the rest of the flowriders as she runs into the slower water, she never really got a chance to get going

Michael and Brittany ships207 viewsBrittany and I in front of the Freedom of the Seas and then some other, lamer, ship

Ride!205 viewsThis will make sense to all of the yearbook camp kids, but to anybody else NO this is not what it looks like

Lorin and Michael205 viewsLorin and Michael during the knight-mount game at retreat

Reffing205 viewsMr. Petrosky reffing a game at retreat
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